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Jewell Family History
John Jewell, Born 18th July 1788 and Marryed Sarah Gregory 4 October 1810 & she died 5th Sept 1819, aged 30 years, after living with me agreeably for 8 years & 11 months & one Day and Left me and 5 Small Children to lament her Loss which is truly grate.
· Mary Jewell, Daughter of John & Sarah, Born 11 July 1811
· William James Jewell Born 1st Oct, 1812
· Susanna Jewel Born 4th Feby 1814
· Elizabeth Jewell Born 11th November 1815
· Sarah Ann Jewell Born 23rd August 1817, died 17 December 1817
· John Jewell Born 5 Sept 1819, died 25 October 1819
John Jewell & Sarah Davidson was married on the 21st December 1819. Sarah Jewell was Born on the 1st May 1796
· Thomas Asa Jewell, Son of John & Sarah was Born the 8th December 1820 and Died 30th September 1821
· Harriet Jewell Born 26th August 1822
· Charlotta Jewell Born 18th November 1824
· Amanda Jewell was Born 23rd November 1828
The following is a letter written May 19th at Madison by William J. Jewell to his sister, Mrs.Susanna Beeler, New Albany, Indiana:
My Dear Sister, I now sit down to let you know of the sad intelligence of your father’s Death. He died on Sunday night last, the 15th of May , after 6 days illness. He took Sick on Tuesday before the 10th day of May before Breakfast & he suffered every day except Sunday. After dinner he was easier. We thought he was better at that time but at 10 o’clock on Sunday night he left this world for his habitation with his God in Heaven. We Buried him on Tuesday the 17th at 9 o’clock in the morning. He died with the affection(affliction ?) of the liver & information (inflammation?) of the bowels. Every (thing) that could be done for him was done. We had 3 doctors but all the doctors in the universe could not have saved him but he has gone & gone forever. We have neither father nor mother now. Elizabeth when she came upon Saturday did not think but all was well but when she went home she saw her Dear father laying on his death bed. He did not say much at any time during his sickness. All he said was to ask her how all was down at Albany. He was so weak from the day that he took sick that he had very little to say at all; would have wrote to you sooner but felt to bad to do it & the shock it would give you. Thought that it would be better to not rite for some days to you. He made a will when he was sick last summer & the same will stands good at present. He did not use any partiality between the children. Wm. Basnett is to settle the estate. He was appointed by father in his will. To no what to write, cannot write. Father was perfectly well when I saw Robert on Sunday week last. All the balance of us is well at present. You must give our best respect to all enquiring. We all have friends but none like father & mother but we have no father nor mother but we have all got homes & some body consoles us when we are in bad spirits, Susan. Cannot write much more. You must excuse me for not writing to you sooner. Thought that would not do to rite to soon. We thought you could not have come up if we had sent for you. Besides that, we thought father would be better before he would be worse. Charlotte Jewell is at Greensburg, Ia. She has been there for 3 weeks. There was a young man from there on Tuesday that was going home. We sent ere the death of her father. She got the news Sat. Evening (I) suppose. Think she will be coming home in a day or so. Will send you paper with the notice of his death in it. Mail this letter & paper both at one time so you will gett them now. I will fetch my letter to a close by subscribing my name, Your Brother To Susan A. Beeler, from W. J. Jewell.