Home > Local History > Land & Tax Records > 1827 Jefferson County Tax Assessment
1827 Jefferson County Tax Assessment
In May of 1939 Charles E. Heberhart published in the Madison Courier the directory for Jefferson County taken in 1826 as shown in the tax assessments for 1827.
Those whose names began with the letter A were not assigned to their localities and it was not until the listers entered the B’s that the townships appear.
Oddities in spelling will be noticed frequently in this listing. Some names have been changed by the descendants, in other cases the tax listers probably were at fault.
The townships had not been formed as we know them today and no maps exist, that we know of, to confirm the exact position and extent of townships in 1826. We know that Pittsburg Township, which was organized in 1817, lasted only a brief time. Milton and Shelby Townships replaced it. Smyrna Township was carved out of Republican at a later date. It would seem the townships of 1826 consisted of Madison, Lancaster, Republican, Milton, Graham, Shelby, and Saluda.
This list contains only those who owned property and the township in which they were located follows their names, with the exception of those whose name began with the letter A.
Name | Township |
Abbot, James | |
Abbott, John | |
Abney, John | |
Adams, Bird | |
Admire, William | |
Aere, Thomas | |
Alcorn, John | |
Alexander, James | |
Alexander, Thomas | |
Allen, John | |
Allen, Josiah | |
Allen, Moses | |
Allen, Robert | |
Allen, William | |
Allen, William M. | |
Allison, Abigail | |
Allison, John F. | |
Ames, Aaron | |
Ammons, Thomas | |
Amos, John | |
Anderson, David | |
Anderson, John | |
Anderson, John | |
Anderson, John, Esq. | |
Anderson, Robert | |
Anderson, William | |
Anderson, William C. | |
Andrews, James | |
Andrews, Stephen | |
Arbuccle, John | |
Arbuccle, Nathan | |
Arion, Allen, E. | |
Arion, C. P. J. | |
Armstrong, Lanty | |
Armstrong, William | |
Arnett, Mary | |
Athurn, Jethro | |
Athurn, William | |
Atkinson, John | |
Atkinson, Joshua | |
Atkinson, William | |
Ayres, Davis | |
_______, John | Shelby |
________, Andrew | Saluda |
________, Ephraim | Shelby |
________, John, Jr. | Shelby |
________Montgomery | Lancaster |
Backer, David | Madison |
Backman, Aaron | Saluda |
Bacon, James E. | Madison |
Badgley, Benjamin | Lancaster |
Badgley, John | Lancaster |
Bailey, Aaron | Graham |
Bailey, John | Lancaster |
Bailey, Joseph | Shelby |
Bailey, Robert | Graham |
Bain, James | Shelby |
Bain, Robert L. | Shelby |
Bain, Samuel | Shelby |
Bain, William | Shelby |
Bair, Abner | Madison |
Baker, William | Lancaster |
Baker, William | Shelby |
Baldwin, William | Graham |
Banister, Rucker | Milton |
Banister, William | Milton |
Banta, Cornelious | Shelby |
Banta, Felix | Madison |
Banta, Henry | Shelby |
Banta, Jacob | Shelby |
Banta, Robert | Shelby |
Bantz, George W. | Madison |
Barber, James | Shelby |
Barber, Timothy Jr | Madison |
Barber, Timothy | Shelby |
Bare Henry | Saluda |
Bare, Christian | Milton |
Bare, Henry | Milton |
Barnes, Nathaniel | Milton |
Barnes, Reuben | Graham |
Barnet, Byram | Saluda |
Barnhum, Daniel | Lancaster |
Barns, Almira | Madison |
Barns, Francis | Graham |
Barns, John | Saluda |
Barret, Jonathan | Madison |
Barton, Robert | Madison |
Basset, Elisha | Republican |
Baulding, Coleman | Saluda |
Baulding, William | Saluda |
Baxter, Daniel | Lancaster |
Baxter, Deborah | Graham |
Baxter, James | Graham |
Baxter, James | Lancaster |
Baxter, James | Lancaster |
Baxter, Kenady | Graham |
Baxter, William | Graham |
Baxter, William | Lancaster |
Bayless, Nathanie | Madison |
Beard, David | Graham |
Beard, Thomas | Madison |
Beebe, Sylvester | Shelby |
Beebe, Timothy | Shelby |
Begelow, John | Madison |
Bell, William | Madison |
Benefield, George W. | Shelby |
Benefield, George | Shelby |
Benefield, Jesse | Shelby |
Benefield, William B. | Shelby |
Benham, Robert | Saluda |
Bennet, Francis A. | Saluda |
Bennet, John | Madison |
Bentley, Basil | Madison |
Bergen, George | Shelby |
Bice, John | Shelby |
Bill, James | Graham |
Bishop Thomas | Madison |
Blacke, Lewis | Graham |
Blackford, Isiah | Saluda |
Blackford, Zepheniah | Saluda |
Blackmore, Dawson | Madison |
Blackmore, Jonathan | Shelby |
Blackmore, William | Madison |
Blake, George | Graham |
Bland, James | Lancaster |
Bland, Thomas | Lancaster |
Blankenship, Isham | Republican |
Blankenship, James | Republican |
Blankenship, William | Republican |
Blankenship, William | Shelby |
Boicourt, Thomas | Madison |
Bondurant, Noah | Shelby |
Boon, Willis | Lancaster |
Booth, John | Shelby |
Borden, Gale | Saluda |
Bordon, Gail | Republican |
Bowen, John H., Esq. | Madison |
Bowley, John | Madison |
Bowley, Zenos | Madison |
Bowlyn, John | Madison |
Bowman, Joseph | Saluda |
Boyd, Lindsey | Graham |
Boyd, Nancy | Graham |
Boyle, James | Shelby |
Bradbury, Marcus A. | Madison |
Brady, Elisha | Shelby |
Braley, John | Shelby |
Bramwell, John | Madison |
Branham, Polly | Madison |
Branham, Robert | Madison |
Brant, Thomas | Madison |
Brazzketon, William | Republican |
Bridges, Benjamin | Graham |
Bright, David G. | Madison |
Bright, Michael G | Madison |
Brightwell, Thomas | Republican |
Brisbow, James | Madison |
Brisbow, William | Madison |
Britton, John | Madison |
Brooks, Humphrey | Milton |
Brooks, John | Milton |
Brooks, Mordecai | Milton |
Brooks, Noah | Milton |
Brooks, Wiley | Milton |
Brown, Henry | Graham |
Brown, Isham | Madison |
Brown, John P | .Madison |
Brown, John | Madison |
Brown, John | Shelby |
Brown, Joseph | Milton |
Brown, Patrick | Madison |
Brown, Robert | Saluda |
Brown, Samuel | Milton |
Brown, Thomas | Saluda |
Brown, William | Lancaster |
Brown, William | Madison |
Brown,William, P. | Madison |
Browning, Woodville | Madison |
Brownlow, Isaac | Saluda |
Brunton, Joseph | Madison |
Bryant, Jacob | Shelby |
Buchboard, William | Madison |
Buck, George | Milton |
Buck, John | Milton |
Budgeley, Anthony | Madison |
Bumbarger, Jacob | Milton |
Bunderant, Leander | Milton |
Burch, Henry | Graham |
Burch, Libby | Saluda |
Burk, Enoch (negro) | Milton |
Burk, George, Sr. | Milton |
Burlingame, William | Republican |
Burnet, Jacob N. | Madison |
Burnham, Calvin | Madison |
Burns, James | Madison |
Burns, Torrence | Madison |
Burrows, Madison | Milton |
Burton, Henry B. | Shelby |
Burton, John | Shelby |
Busby, Alfred | Madison |
Busby, Ezekiel | Madison |
Butler, Amos | Madison |
Butner, Isaac | Lancaster |
Cain, Arnold | Lancaster |
Calvert, Martin W. | Shelby |
Campbell, Alexander | Madison |
Campbell, Andrew | Graham |
Campbell, Eli | Shelby |
Campbell, George | Graham |
Campbell, James | Lancaster |
Campbell, James | Shelby |
Campbell, John | Shelby |
Campbell, William | Madison |
Campbell, William | Shelby |
Canby, Israel T. | Madison |
Canby, Sarah | Madison |
Canier, Andrew | Republican |
Canneer, Michael | Republican |
Caplinger, Adam | Shelby |
Caprpenter, William | Madison |
Carpenter, Jacob | Graham |
Carr, George | Shelby |
Carr, John | Shelby |
Caslin, Robert | Saluda |
Cavin, George | Saluda |
Cavin, William | Saluda |
Cavitt, John L. | Republican |
Chambers, Alexander | Republican |
Chambers, Amos | Republican |
Chambers, Anthony | Lancaster |
Chambers, Avory | Graham |
Chambers, George | Republican |
Chambers, Isaac | Lancaster |
Chambers, John | Republican |
Chambers, Nancy | Republican |
Chambers, William | Republican |
Chandler, John | Graham |
Chapman, John | Madison |
Chapman, Robert | Lancaster |
Charleston, Thomas | Shelby |
Chastain, Anne | Graham |
Chastain, Isaac | Graham |
Chastain, Nathaniel | Graham |
Chastain, Peter | Graham |
Chastain, Robert | Graham |
Chastain, William | Graham |
Chastine, Samuel | Madison |
Cheever, Joshuah C. | Madison |
Chenoweth, James | Lancaster |
Chenoweth, Joseph | Lancaster |
Chenoweth, Thomas | Lancaster |
Chiele, Daniel | Madison |
Childs, Eunice | Republican |
Chitwood, Daniel | Republican |
Chitwood, James | Graham |
Chitwood, Joshua | Republican |
Cholburt, Daniel | Saluda |
Christie, Isaac | Shelby |
Cicyd, James | Madison |
Clark, Barnabas | Lancaster |
Clark, Jacob | Graham |
Clark, Jacob | Saluda |
Clark, John | Saluda |
Clemens, John | Graham |
Clifton, Nathan | Madison |
Cline, John | Shelby |
Cline, John | Shelby |
Cline, Levi | Shelby |
Cloyer, Warden | Shelby |
Cockram, Alexander | Republican |
Cockram, Andrew | Madison |
Cockram, Francis | Republican |
Cockram, James | Madison |
Cockram, James | Madison |
Cockram, John | Republican |
Coffman, Jacob | Madison |
Coffman, John | Madison |
Coghill, Nimrod | Shelby |
Cohill, James | Madison |
Collins, Andrew | Madison |
Comley, Absalom | Milton |
Compton, William | Republican |
Comstock, Daniel | Madison |
Comstock, Harmonious | Madison |
Condre,Caleb | Graham |
Connel, Joseph | Republican |
Conner, William P. | Madison |
Consley, Harman | Saluda |
Consley, Samuel | Saluda |
Consley, Thomas | Saluda |
Conway, Henry | Shelby |
Conway, William | Lancaster |
Cook, Cassius | Madison |
Cook, Greene L. | Madison |
Cook, John | Madison |
Cook, John | Milton |
Coon, Ephraim | Saluda |
Coone, Moses | Graham |
Cooper, Murdock | Madison |
Cooperider, Henry | Graham |
Cope, Charlotte | Madison |
Cope, Sarah | Madison |
Copeland, James | Shelby |
Copeland, Milton | Shelby |
Copeland, Thomas | Shelby |
Copeland, Wesley | Shelby |
Copeland, William | Shelby |
Corbin, Micajah | Madison |
Cornley, Joshua | Madison |
Cosby, Archibald | Graham |
Cosby, Charles | Lancaster |
Cosby, Henry | Madison |
Cosby, John | Madison |
Cosby, Richard | Republican |
Cotney, Archibald | Graham |
Cowden, James H | Madison. |
Cox, Abraham | Shelby |
Cox, Asa | Shelby |
Cox, Christopher | Shelby |
Cox, Err | Shelby |
Cox, Henry | Shelby |
Cox, John L. | Shelby |
Cox, John, Jr. | Shelby |
Cox, John | Madison |
Cox, Russell | Madison |
Cox, Samuel | Milton |
Crafton, David | Republican |
Craig, Robert | Madison |
Crawford, David | Saluda |
Crawford, James M | Madison |
Crawford, John | Saluda |
Crawford, Samuel | Madison |
Crawford, Thomas H. | Madison |
Crawford, William | Saluda |
Criswell, John | Republican |
Critz, Henry | Madison |
Crocket, James | Shelby |
Cross, Sirus | Saluda |
Crothers, John | Madison |
Crow, John F. | Madison |
Crozier, James | Lancaster |
Crozier, William | Lancaster |
Cruisin, John | Republican |
Cruison, Charles | Saluda |
Cruison, John | Graham |
Culbertson, C. M. | Lancaster |
Culbertson, James | Shelby |
Culbertson, John | Shelby |
Cummingson, Daniel | Saluda |
Cummins, William | Saluda |
Cunningham, Davis | Republican |
Currie, Robert | Saluda |
Currie, William | Saluda |
Curry, David | Republican |
Curry, James | Republican |
Cushaw, Daniel | Graham |
Custer, Arnold | Shelby |
Custer, Isaac | Shelby |
Custer, James | Shleby |
Custer, Jesse | Shelby |
Custer, Ruel | Shelby |
Cutler, Alfred W. | Madison |
Dafly, John | Republican |
Dailey, Rude | Shelby |
Daniels, William | Republican |
Daringer, John | Shelby |
Davenport, James | Saluda |
David, Atwell | Shelby |
David, Solomon | Republican |
David, Thomas | Saluda |
Davidson, Andrew | Saluda |
Davis, Abijah | Saluda |
Davis, Amos | Lancaster |
Davis, Benjamin | Graham |
Davis, Bruden | Saluda |
Davis, Charles | Graham |
Davis, Edward | Saluda |
Davis, James | Republican |
Davis, Joseph | Lancaster |
Davis, Joshua | Saluda |
Davis, Thomas | Madison |
Davis, Thomas | Republican |
Davison, Alexander | Madison |
Davison, James | Madison |
Dean, Enoch | Madison |
Dehoney, Rhodes | Madison |
Demaree, James | Shelby |
Demaree, John A. | Shelby |
Denny, Christopher | Shelby |
Denny, James | Shelby |
Denny, John | Shelby |
Deputy, Joshua | Graham |
Derringer, Jacob | Madison |
Dickerson, Jesse | Saluda |
Dickerson, Lambert W. | Saluda |
Dixon, Henry | Graham |
Dixon, John | Graham |
Doan, Titus | Madison |
Dodge, Jacob G. | Madison |
Dodge, Malichi | Madison |
Donner, David | Milton |
Donner, John | Milton |
Donner, Joseph | Milton |
Dorsey, Samuel | Madison |
Douglas, Jeremiah,Sr. | Saluda |
Douglas,Jeremiah, Jr. | Saluda |
Dow, Joseph | Milton |
Dow, William | Milton |
Down, John | Milton |
Downs, John | Republican |
Driggs, Nathaniel | Madison |
Dryden, Anna | Graham |
Dryden, John | Graham |
Dryden, John | Graham |
Dryden, Thomas | Graham |
Dubach, John | Madison |
Dudley, George | Madison |
Duffy, Andrew | Republican |
Duffy, John Jr. | Republican |
Duffy, William | Republican |
Dugan, Samuel | Madison |
Dumver, Daniel | Milton |
Dunahy, Wesley | Graham |
Dunavent, Cornelius | Shelby |
Duncan, Samuel | Republican |
Dungan, John | Republican |
Dunlop, John | Shelby |
Dunn, Joseph | Shelby |
Dunn, Williamson | Madison |
Dunwoody, Margaret | Madison |
Dyes, Thomas | Saluda |
Eadens, Joseph | Milton |
Eader, Solomon | Madison |
Eadleman, Daniel | Republican |
Eadleman, Samuel | Republican |
Eblin, Joshua | Madison |
Eblin, Michael | Shelby |
Eccles, Jefferson | Shelby |
Eccles, John | Shelby |
Eccles, Stephen, Jr. | Shelby |
Edens, Elias | Milton |
Edwards, Elijah | Madison |
Edwards, James | Madison |
Edwards, William | Madison |
Eldridge, Levi | Saluda |
Elliott, Robert | Lancaster |
Ellis, James | Madison |
Ellis, Joseph | Shelby |
Ellis, Stephen L. Sr. | Shelby |
Ellison, James | Madison |
Emmerson, Benjamin | Milton |
Emmerson, Wm. C. | Milton |
Emory, David | Milton |
Epperson, James | Madison |
Epperson, William | Madison |
Etherton, Joseph | Shelby |
Eudaley, Isaac | Madison |
Evans, John J. | Graham |
Evans, Lewis | Madison |
Farrow, Christopher | Madison |
Farrow, William G. | Madison |
Fay, Almond | Graham |
Feather, J. | Lancaster |
Fenton, Barth | Lancaster |
Ferguson, John | Lancaster |
Fewell, Benjamin | Republican |
Fewell, Ephraim | Milton |
Fewell, John | Republican |
Fewell, Mason | Lancaster |
Fewell, Spencer | Lancaster |
Fields, Harvey | Graham |
Fields, William | Republican |
Fish, John | Lancaster |
Fitch, John | Graham |
Fix (widow) | Saluda |
Fix, Henry | Saluda |
Fix, Jacob | Saluda |
Fix, Samuel | Saluda |
Fix, William | Saluda |
Fleming Robert | Madison |
Forbes, John | Graham |
Force, Robert | Republican |
Force, Samuel | Madison |
Foster, Amariah | Madison |
Foster, Gabriel | Graham |
Foster, Hiram | Graham |
Fountain, Therman | Madison |
Frakes, Elias | Milton |
Francis, Alexander | Lancaster |
Francis, John, Sr. | Lancaster |
Francis, Joseph | Lancaster |
Francis, Walter | Lancaster |
Frick, Frederick | Madison |
Fruman, Peter (negro) | Madison |
Fuget, Jesse | Milton |
Fullenrider, George | Saluda |
Furguson, John | Shelby |
Gaddis, James | Republican |
Gadey, Barney | Graham |
Gale, Almond | Madison |
Gale, Rufus | Madison |
Gallaher, Thomas | Republican |
Galligar, James | Saluda |
Gambriel,______ | Graham |
Gasaway, Thomas | Graham |
Gavit, John | Madison |
Gavit, Marcus A. | Madison |
Gaw, Peter | Shelby |
Gear, Samuel S. | Madison |
Gibbs, Richard | Republican |
Gibson, Hugh | Madison |
Gillam, James | Shelby |
Gillam, Thomas | Shelby |
Gillet, Simon S. | Madison |
Gilliland, William | Shelby |
Gillum, John | Shelby |
Giltner, Isaac | Saluda |
Giltner, Michael | Saluda |
Given, James | Madison |
Glenn, David | Shelby |
Glenn, Robert | Shelby |
Glenn, William | Shelby |
Glover, James | Saluda |
Golay, Abel | Madison |
Golay, George | Madison |
Goldsborough, John | Lancaster |
Golosby, William | Shelby |
Goode, Patrick G. | Madison |
Goode, Sarah | Madison |
Goode, William | Madison |
Goodenow, Samuel | Lancaster |
Gordon, George | Shelby |
Gordon, Joseph | Graham |
Gordon, William | Saluda |
Gordon, William | Shelby |
Gorrell, Joseph | Republican |
Gorslick, John | Madison |
Graham, James C. | Madison |
Graham, James | Republican |
Gray, Jesse | Madison |
Gray, William | Madison |
Greene, Abraham | Graham |
Greene, David | Madison |
Greene, George | Madison |
Griffin, Charles | Madison |
Griffin, Peggy | Saluda |
Griffy, James | Republican |
Grover, Nicholas D. | Madison |
Gudgel, John | Graham |
Gudgel, Nathan | Saluda |
Gudgel, Rachel | Saluda |
Gudgel, Stephen | Saluda |
Gullion, Alexander | Lancaster |
Guthrey, William | Madison |
Hackins, George | Lancaster |
Hackins, John | Lancaster |
Hait, John | Graham |
Halcorn, Grimes | Lancaster |
Halcorn, Nancy | lancaster |
Hall, Henry | Shelby |
Hall, James, Sr. | Lancaster |
Hall, John | Madison |
Hall, John | Shelby |
Hall, Robt. M. | Lancaster |
Hall, Squire | Shelby |
Hall, William, Jr. | Shelby |
Hall, William, Sr. | Shelby |
Hamilton, James | |
Hamilton, James S. | Shelby |
Hamilton, John G. | Madison |
Hamilton, John | Shelby |
Hamilton, William S. | Madison |
Hammond, Johnathan | Madison |
Hammond, Peter | Saluda |
Haney, John | Madison |
Hankins, Absalom | Milton |
Hankins, John | Milton |
Hankins, Joseph Jr | Milton. |
Hankins, Joseph | Milton |
Hankins, William | Milton |
Hannah, Samuel | Madison |
Hardenbrook, Cornelius | Madison |
Hardy, Truman | Lancaster |
Harper, George | Shelby |
Harper, John | Shelby |
Harris, Allen | Madison |
Harris, Hiram | Shelby |
Harrod, Samuel | Graham |
Hartsock, James | Lancaster |
Hartsock, John | Lancaster |
Hatfield, John | Lancaster |
Hathaway, John | Shelby |
Hay, James | Saluda |
Hay, William | Saluda |
Hay?, Thomas | Saluda |
Hayes, Richard | Shelby |
Hays, James, Jr. | Lancaster |
Hays, James | Shelby |
Hays, James | Shelby |
Hays, Samuel | Republican |
Heath, Daniel | Milton |
Heath, William | Milton |
Helm, James, Jr. | Saluda |
Helm, James, Sr. | Saluda |
Helms, George R. | Shelby |
Helms, Isaac | Milton |
Helms, John | Milton |
Hemphill, James | Saluda |
Hemphill, Samuel | Saluda |
Henderson, Barnabee | Madison |
Henderson, Samuel | Saluda |
Hendricks, Abraham | Republican |
Hendricks, William | Madison |
Henning, James | Madison |
Henry, James | Saluda |
Hensley, Joseph | Madison |
Hensley, William | Saluda |
Herring, Bartlett | Shelby |
Herring, Fielding | Shelby |
Herring, Preston | Shelby |
Hicks, Robert | Shelby |
Higgins, Abraham | Saluda |
Hill, Abel | Saluda |
Hill, Charles | Lancaster |
Hill, Charles | Saluda |
Hill, James | Madison |
Hill, Johathen | Lancaster |
Hill, Joseph | Lancaster |
Hill, Joseph | Saluda |
Hill, Middleton G. | Saluda |
Hillis, David | Madison |
Hillis, Ebenezer | Madison |
Hillis, James | Madison |
Hillis, John J. | Madison |
Hillis, Matthew | Madison |
Hillis, William | Madison |
Hinwood, Hisell | Madison |
Hite, Abraham | Shelby |
Hite, Thomas | Shelby |
Hiter, Joseph | Republican |
Hith, Benjamin | Madison |
Hodland, William | Republican |
Hogand, Mary | Republican |
Hogland, Aaron | Graham |
Hogland, James | Madison |
Hogland, Moses, Jr. | Graham |
Hogland, Moses, Sr. | Graham |
Holden, John | Republican |
Hollis, John P. | Shelby |
Hood, John | Shelby |
Hopkins, Richard | Saluda |
Hopper, Elijah | Shelby |
Hopper, John | Graham |
Hopper, Smallwood | Shelby |
Horton, Barbara | Madison |
Horton, James | Shelby |
Horton, John E. | Shelby |
Hough, Orson E. | Madison |
House, John Dr. | Madison |
House, John | Lancaster |
House, Levi S. | Madison |
Howard, Isaac | Milton |
Howard, James | Saluda |
Howell, John | Graham |
Howell, William | Graham |
Hubbard, Richard | Madison |
Hucclebury, Joseph | Milton |
Hudson, Bird | Madison |
Hudson, Boyd W. | Graham |
Hudson, Gillum | Madison |
Hudson, John | Lancaster |
Hudson, Peter | Lancaster |
Hudson, Thomas | Republican |
Hufford, George | Republican |
Hughs, David | Lancaster |
Hughs, Thomas | Lancaster |
Hughs, William | Lancaster |
Humes, James | Lancaster |
Humphreys, Levi S. | Shelby |
Humphreys, Patrick F. | Madison |
Humphreys, Samuel | Shelby |
Hunt, Isaac | Saluda |
Hunt, John | Madison |
Hunt, Nathaniel | Madison |
Hunter, John | Madison |
Hurlburt, Lewis | Saluda |
Huston, John | Madison |
Hutchinson, Abraham P | Madison. |
Hutchinson, Daniel | Milton |
Hutchinson, Ebenezer Sr. | Graham |
Hutchinson, Ebenezer Sr. | Graham |
Hutchinson, Henry | Milton |
Hutchinson, John | Milton |
Hutchinson, Samuel | Milton |
Hutchinson, Sr. | Graham |
Hyatt, Andrew | Shelby |
Hyatt, Gideon | Shelby |
Hyatt, Isaiah | Shelby |
Hyatt, Meshack | Shelby |
Ingraham, James | Madison |
Irwin, David | Shelby |
Irwin, John | Lancaster |
Irwin, John | Republican |
Irwin, Robert | Shelby |
Jackson, Aquilla | Graham |
Jackson, Geo. | Republican |
Jackson, Harry | Madison |
Jackson, Henry | Madison |
Jackson, Hiram | Graham |
Jackson, James | Graham |
Jackson, James | Madison |
Jackson, James | Republican |
Jackson, Samuel | Graham |
Jackson, Samuel | Madison |
Jackson, Thomas | Graham |
Jackson, Whittington | Graham |
Jamison, Alexander | Madison |
Jamison, Samuel | Madison |
Jamison, Thomas | Shelby |
Jeffries, Curtis G | Madison. |
Jennings (a minor) | Graham |
Jennings Sherwood | Graham |
Jennings, Elizabeth | Graham |
Jennings, George | Graham |
Jennings, Levi | Graham |
Jennings. Salmon | Graham |
Jewell, John | Madison |
Johnson, Charles | Madison |
Johnson, Ezekiel | Saluda |
Johnson, Harvey | Madison |
Johnson, John W. | Madison |
Johnson, Riley | Madison |
Johnston, Rice | Lancaster |
Johson, Samuel S. | Saluda |
Jones, David Jr | Shelby. |
Jones, James | Madison |
Jones, John | Graham |
Jones, Mosely | Saluda |
Jones, Thomas (the miller) | Republican |
Jones, Thomas, Esq. | Republican |
Kane, Jacob | Madison |
Kane, Pete | Madison |
Karr, Josiah (heir of) | Lancaster |
Keele, Peter, Sr. | Milton |
Keith, James | Graham |
Kelley, Samuel | Republican |
Kelly, Samuel | Republican |
Kelsoe, Samuel | |
Kelsoe, William | Madison |
Kent, David | Madison |
Kidd, David | Shelby |
Kidd, John | Shelby |
King, George | Saluda |
King, John | Lancaster |
King, John | Madison |
King, Victor | Madison |
Kinmar, Campbell | Madison |
Kinnear, John | Lancaster |
Kinnear, Robert | Lancaster |
Kinnet, John | Shelby |
Kinney, Henry | Lancaster |
Kirk, John | Madison |
Kirkinaall, Samuel | Lancaster |
Kirkinnaall, John | Lancaster |
Knight, David | Republican |
Knight, Ephraim | Milton |
Knight, James | Madison |
Kyle, James | Madison |
Kyle, John | Saluda |
Kyle, Robert | Madison |
Kyle, Sarah | Madison |
Lame, Caleb | Madison |
Lame, Joseph, Sr. | Shelby |
Landrem, Thomas | Saluda |
Landren, William | Saluda |
Lane, John | Shelby |
Lane, Joseph | Madison |
Langham, James | Milton |
Langham, John | Milton |
Lanier, James F. D. | Madison |
Large, Samuel | Lancaster |
Largent, John | Saluda |
Largent, Nelson | Saluda |
Larimore, Daniel | Milton |
Latta, William R. | Madison |
Lattimore, Daniel | Republican |
Law, Jesse | Graham |
Law, Joel | Graham |
Lawrence, Ephraim | Republican |
Lawson, William | Madison |
Layton, Gabriel | Madison |
Layton, Jesse | Madison |
Layton, William | Madison |
Ledgerwood, Samuel Sr. | Madison |
Ledgerwood, William | Madison |
Lee, Eli | Reppublican |
Lee, James C. | Madison |
Lee, John | Milton |
Lee, Nathanial | Milton |
Lee, Nathan | Shelby |
Lee, Stephen | Saluda |
Lemon, Gabriel | Shelby |
Leonard, George W. | Madison |
Leonard, Linius R. | Madison |
Levite, Benjamin | Madison |
Levite, Joseph | Madison |
Levitt, Benjamin C. | Madison |
Lewis, Abraham | Shelby |
Lewis, Chauncey B | Madison. |
Lewis, Cosby | Milton |
Lickliter, Jacob | Lancaster |
Linteen, John | Lancaster |
Littlejohn, Ira | Madison |
Littlejohn, James | Shelby |
Littlejohn, Samuel | Shelby |
Lloyd, Zephenias | Republican |
Lochard, James | Milton |
Lochard, Jeremiah | Milton |
Lochard, John | Milton |
Lochard, William | Milton |
Lodge, Labin | Madison |
Lodge, Nelson | Madison |
Lodge, William J. | Madison |
Logan, Ezekial (heirs of) | Lancaster |
Logan, George | Madison |
Logan, Joseph | Graham |
Logan, William C. | Graham |
Loller, James | Republican |
Loller, John | Republican |
Long, Abraham | Republican |
Long, Henry | Lancaster |
Long, John | Lancaster |
Long, John | Republican |
Long, Lewis | Republican |
Long, William | Lancaster |
Longworth, Nicholas | Madison |
Loring, David | Madison |
Loring, Richard | Madison |
Lott, Abner | Madison |
Louden, Robert | Saluda |
Loughridge, Samuel | Shelby |
Lovill, Jared | Shelby |
Lovill, William | Shelby |
Lowrey, James | Saluda |
Lyle, Wilberforce | Madison |
Lyons, Ezekiel | Republican |
Lyons, James | Republican |
Macleton, William | Saluda |
Magness, Perry G. | Lancaster |
Maiden, Andrew | Saluda |
Mann, James | Graham |
Mans, Fountain | Milton |
Mansfield, Faral | Milton |
Manville, Butler | Milton |
Manville, Nicholas | Milton |
Marason, Benjamin | Republican |
Marcus, David | Madison |
Margason, John | Republican |
Marquis, John | Shelby |
Marquis, Robert | Shelby |
Marquis, Samuel | Madison |
Marshall, Daniel | Lancaster |
Marshall, John | Lancaster |
Marshall, Robert | Graham |
Marshall, Robert | Republican |
Marshall, Thomas J. | Shelby |
Marshall, Thomas | Lancaster |
Marshall, Thomas | Republican |
Martin, George W. | Madison |
Martin, Henry | Republican |
Martin, James | Graham |
Martin, John | Reppublican |
Martin, Joseph | Republican |
Martin, Solomon | Republican |
Martin, William | Republican |
Mathis, Elijah | Shelby |
Matthews, James | Republican |
Matthis, John | Shelby |
Maxwell, Edward R. | Madison |
Maxwell, Samuel | Republican |
Maxwell, William | Madison |
May, Richard | Shelby |
Mayfield, Joshua | Lancaster |
Mayfield, Southerland | Madison |
McCall, James | Lancaster |
McCartney, James | Graham |
McCarty, Daniel | Madison |
McCarty, Henry | Madison |
McCaslin, George | Lancaster |
McCaslin, John | Saluda |
McCaslin, Richard | Lancaster |
McCaslin, William D. | Madison |
McCaslin, William L. | Madison |
McCaslin, William | Saluda |
McCay, James | Madison |
McClain, John | Republican |
McClanahan, Robert | Graham |
McCleland, Andrew B. | Graham |
McClellen, Richard | Saluda |
McClennen, John | Madison |
McClennen, Samuel | Graham |
McClure, David | Madison |
McClure, William | Madison |
McCollister, Alexander | Lancaster |
McCollister, Daniel | Lancaster |
McCormick (widow) | Saluda |
McCormick (widow) | Saluda |
McCoy William | Shelby |
McCoy, Abraham | Milton |
McCoy, Barbara | Lancaster |
McCoy, David | Milton |
McCoy, David | Milton |
McCoy, George | Shelby |
McCoy, Hugh | Lancaster |
McCoy, James | Milton |
McCoy, John | Milton |
McCoy, John | Milton |
McCoy, John | Shelby |
McCoy, Moses | Shelby |
McCoy, Stephen | Shelby |
McCoy, Taviner | Milton |
McCoy, Thomas, Jr. | Lancaster |
McCoy, Uriah | Milton |
McCrorey, John | Graham |
McCrorey, Samuel | Graham |
McCrorie, Samuel | Graham |
McCullock, John | Madison |
McCullock, Thomas | Madison |
McCullough, James * | Madison |
McCullough, John | Shelby |
McCune, Joseph | Saluda |
McCune, Joseph | Saluda |
McCurry, Abraham | Republican |
McDeira, Jacob | Madison |
McDonald, Anthony | Graham |
McDonald, Shedrack | Graham |
McDougle, James | Saluda |
McFadden, William | Graham |
McFatridge, Michael | Shelby |
McGee, James | Lancaster |
McGee, Joseph | Madison |
McGee, William | Lancaster |
McGill, James | Republican |
McGregor, Alexander | Shelby |
McGuffe, Ephraim | Graham |
McGuire Luke | Republican |
McIntire, John | Madison |
McIntire, William | Saluda |
McKay, Angus | Lancaster |
McKay, George | Lancaster |
McKay, John | Lancaster |
McKee, James | Madison |
McKinley, James | Saluda |
McKinley, Samuel | Saluda |
McKinney, Samuel | Lancaster |
McLane, John | Saluda |
McLeland, Robert | Shelby |
McLellen, Richard | Saluda |
McMillan, James | Graham |
McMillan, John | Saluda |
McMillan, Jonathan | Graham |
McNeal, John | Saluda |
McNutt, Alexander | Graham |
McNutt, James H. | Graham |
McQuiston, Daniel | Shelby |
McWilliams, James | Milton |
Mead, Joshua | Madison |
Meek, Lewis, | Graham |
Meek, Martha | Madison |
Meek, Norvill | Madison |
Meek, Robert | Madison |
Merryman, Noah | Madison |
Mikesell, Jacob | Saluda |
Mikesell, Peter | Saluda |
Miles, Evan | Shelby |
Miles, Jacob | Milton |
Miles, John | Milton |
Miles, William | Shelby |
Miller, Abraham | Madison |
Miller, Benjamin | Saluda |
Miller, Daniel | Shelby |
Miller, Henry | Graham |
Miller, Jacob | Madison |
Miller, John | Graham |
Miller, Jonathan | |
Miller, Robert | Graham |
Miller, Thomas | Milton |
Mills, Peter | Saluda |
Milton, Allen | Madison |
Milton, John | Madison |
Mings, Aaron | Republican |
Minor, James | Shelby |
Minor, John | Shelby |
Minor, Robert | Madison |
Minor, Thomas | Madison |
Mitchell, Daniel | Shelby |
Mitchell, James B. | Madison |
Mitchell, John | Shelby |
Mitchell, Michael M. | Lancaster |
Mitchell, Robert B. | Shelby |
Mitchell, Thomas | Shelby |
Mobley, Edward | Saluda |
Moncreaf, Abner | Madison |
Moncreaf, Willson | Madison |
Moncrief, Gideon | Lancaster |
Monroe, Arthur | Republican |
Monroe, Byram | Republican |
Monroe, George | Republican |
Monroe, George | Saluda |
Monroe, James | Republican |
Monroe, Michael | Republican |
Monroe, Phillip | Republican |
Monroe, Randall | Republican |
Monroe, Robert | Graham |
Monroe, Solomon D. | Graham |
Monroe, William | Republican |
Montgomery, William | Saluda |
Mooney, Edmond | Lancaster |
Mooney, Isaac | Lancaster |
Moor, William | Saluda |
Moore, Elizabeth | Shelby |
Moore, Mathew L | Shelby |
Morgan, Henry | Lancaster |
Morgan, Uriah | Milton |
Morton, Andrew | Shelby |
Morton, John | Shelby |
Morton, Robert | Shelby |
Morton, William | Shelby |
Mount, Amos | Madison |
Moverwell, Adam | Madison |
Munroe, William | Saluda |
Murdock, Eli | Madison |
Murdock, Emmanuel | Shelby |
Murdock, Gerardus | Shelby |
Murdock, Harry | Madison |
Myers, George | Shelby |
Nay, Bennet | Graham |
Nay, Samuel | Graham |
Neal, Daniel | Milton |
Neal, Jesse | Milton |
Neal, John | Milton |
Needham, William | Lancaster |
Nelson, Daniel H. | Lancaster |
Nelson, Hiram | Lancaster |
Nelson, James | Lancaster |
Nelson, William | Republican |
Nevill, George | Republican |
Nevill, Thomas | Lancaster |
New, Robert | Shelby |
Newbury, John | Madison |
Nicholas, Isaac | Lancaster |
Nicholas, Jacob | Lancaster |
Nicholas, John | Lancaster |
Nicholas, John | Lancaster |
Nicholas, Matthias | Lancaster |
Nicholson, James | Lancaster |
Nicholson, Thomas | Saluda |
Nicholson, William | Saluda |
Nickum, Joseph | Saluda |
Noax, Reuben | Madison |
Northcraft, Joseph | Lancaster |
O’Dailey, Eugene | Madison |
O’Loghlin, William | Madison |
O’Loughlin, Priscilla | Madison |
Officer, William | Republican |
Oglesby, Joseph | Madison |
Oldfield, James | Graham |
Orrill, John | Lancaster |
Osborn, John | Milton |
Osborn, Peter | Milton |
Owens, George, Jr. | Graham |
Owens, George | Graham |
Owens, James | Lancaster |
Owens, Thomas | Graham |
Packs, Alexander | Republican |
Packs, James | Republican |
Packs, William | Republican |
Palmer, Nathaniel | Shelby |
Park, Beaumont | Madison |
Park, Moody | Madison |
Parker, Daniel | Madison |
Parker, Daniel | Milton |
Parmer, Nathan B. | Madison |
Parson, Richard | Saluda |
Patten, James | Madison |
Patterson, James | Madison |
Patterson, James | Saluda |
Patterson, Samuel | Republican |
Patterson, Samuel | Saluda |
Pattison, John | Saluda |
Patton, Hezikiah | Lancaster |
Patton, Huston | Madison |
Patton, John H. (heirs of) | Lancaster |
Paul, John P. | Madison |
Paul, John | Madison |
Paul, William | Republican |
Payne, John | Saluda |
Peak, John | Shelby |
Penn, Ephraim | Shelby |
Person, Charles | Republican |
Peterson, Peter | Republican |
Phillips, Brannock | Graham |
Phillips, John R. | Shelby |
Phillips, John | Graham |
Phillips, Joshua | Saluda |
Phillips, Presley | Shelby |
Phillips, Robert | Shelby |
Phillips, Thomas | Saluda |
Piercy, Robert | Republican |
Pilkinson, Elisha | Graham |
Pitcher, Benjamin | Madison |
Pitcher, William | Madison |
Pitts, Robert G. | Lancaster |
Pixley, John | Milton |
Plummer, William | Milton |
Pogue, Joe | Madison |
Pogue, John | Madison |
Pogue, William | Madison |
Porter, Aaron | Saluda |
Porter, Norman | Madison |
Poseygate, Isaac | Madison |
Poston, Levi | Shelby |
Poston, William | Shelby |
Powell, William | Madison |
Prathero, Evan | Shelby |
Prathero, William | Shelby |
Price, George | Madison |
Prichart, John M. | Graham |
Prichart, John | Graham |
Pryor, Nicholas | Shelby |
Pugh, John | Madison |
Pullum, Benjamin | Shelby |
Pullum, Robert | Shelby |
Radley, John | Saluda |
Ralston, Matthew | Milton |
Ralston, William | Milton |
Ramsey, Benjamin | Republican |
Ramsey, John | Republican |
Ramsey, Levi | Republican |
Ramsey, Martha | Republican |
Ramsey, Thomas Jr. | Republican |
Ramsey, Thomas L. | Republican |
Rankin, Joseph | Lancaster |
Rapp, Robert | Lancaster |
Rawlinson, Aaron | Lancaster |
Rawlinson, Nathaniel | Lancaster |
Ray, Joseph | Madison |
Ray, Right | Madison |
Ray, Robert, Sr. | Madison |
Rayma, Isaac | Madison |
Reace, William | Saluda |
Read, William | Saluda |
Rector, Daniel | Lancaster |
Rector, Hezekiah | Lancaster |
Rector, Nathaniel | Lancaster |
Redenbough, Philip | Republican |
Redenbough, William E. | Republican |
Reed, Alfred | Shelby |
Reed, Andrew | Shelby |
Reed, Frederick | Saluda |
Reed, George | Saluda |
Reed, Laban | Saluda |
Reed, Rice | Graham |
Reed, Thomas M. | Graham |
Reed, Thomas | Madison |
Reese, John | Madison |
Reid, Thomas, Jr. | Graham |
Rennocks, Alexander | Madison |
Reynolds, Allen, B. T. | Madison |
Reynolds, Simeon L. | Lancaster |
Reynolds, William L. | Lancaster |
Rhodes, Jacob | Saluda |
Richards, Benjamin | Madison |
Riddle, Jacob | Shelby |
Ridennour, Jacob | Milton |
Right, John | Lancaster |
Right, John | Republican |
Right, Levi | Lancaster |
Righthouse, Leonard | Saluda |
Ripley, William P. | Shelby |
Ritchey, Aaron | Saluda |
Ritchey, Elias | Madison |
Ritchey, John, Sr. | Madison |
Ritchey, Matthew | Saluda |
Ritchey, William | Lancaster |
Robb, James | Shelby |
Robbins, Gerardus, R. | Shelby |
Robbins, Thomas | Graham |
Robbins, William | Shelby |
Robinson, Alexander | Saluda |
Robinson, Middleton | Graham |
Robinson, William | Madison |
Robinson, William | Shelby |
Rodenbough, Frederick | Saluda |
Rodenbough, George | Saluda |
Rodenbough, Henry | Saluda |
Rodgers, Benjamin | Milton |
Rodgers, Robert | Madison |
Roggers, Andrew | Saluda |
Roggers, Moses | Shelby |
Romine, Jacob | Madison |
Rosebury, George | Graham |
Rosebury, John | Graham |
Rosebury, Thomas | Graham |
Ross, James | Madison |
Ross, William | Saluda |
Roth, Robert | Madison |
Rowlin, Willis | Graham |
Runyon, Isaac | Madison |
Rush, John | Shelby |
Rutledge, Jacob | Graham |
Rutledge, Peter | Graham |
Ryker, Abraham L. | Madison |
Ryker, Gerardus G. | Madison |
Ryker, Gerardus, Jr. | Madison |
Ryker, Jacob S. | Madison |
Ryker, Jacob | Shelby |
Ryker, John G. | Shelby |
Ryker, John | Madison |
Ryker, Peter | Shelby |
Ryker, Samuel S. | Repubican |
Ryker, Samuel, Jr. | Shelby |
Ryker, Samuel, Sr. | Shelby |
Rynearson, Abraham | Shelby |
Sage, Caleb | Republican |
Sage, James | Republican |
Sage, John | Republican |
Sage, William Sr. | Republican |
Sage, William | Republican |
Salin, Zachariah | Madison |
Salmons, Wingate | Shelby |
Samples, Jacob | Saluda |
Saylers, John D. | Shelby |
Scholl, Uriah | Shelby |
Scott, John N. | Madison |
Scott, John | Republican |
Scott, John | Shelby |
Scott, Joseph | Saluda |
Scott, William | Madison |
Seely, George | Saluda |
Seely, Stephen J. | Madison |
Seenee, John | Lancaster |
Seenee, Robert | Lancaster |
Sering, John | Madison |
Sewsbury, Phillip | Lancaster |
Shafer, Michael | Lancaster |
Shannon, George, Jr. | Madison |
Shannon, George | Saluda |
Shannon, John | Madison |
Shannon, Thomas | Saluda |
Sheet, Lewis | Lancaster |
Sheets, Jonas L. | Milton |
Sheik, John | Milton |
Shelton, John | Shelby |
Shepherd, Harvey | Madison |
Sherman, Benoni | Madison |
Sherman, Elisha | Madison |
Shilton, S. Joseph | Madison |
Short, Daniel | Madison |
Short, Elisha | Milton |
Short, Jacob | Milton |
Shrowders, Abraham | Republican |
Shune. David | Shelby |
Sibern, John | Republican |
Simington, Robert | Madison |
Simons, Thomas | Milton |
Simpers, Amos | Shelby |
Singer, George | Shelby |
Sipes, Frederick | Saluda |
Slaughter, Jeremiah | Graham |
Slaughter, Jeremiah | Republican |
Smith, Ase | Lancaster |
Smith, Barney B | Shelby |
Smith, Benjamin, Jr. | Saluda |
Smith, Benjamin, Sr. | Saluda |
Smith, Breckenridge | Milton |
Smith, Harrison M. | Saluda |
Smith, Henry | Madison |
Smith, James | Republican |
Smith, James | Shelby |
Smith, John B. | Madison |
Smith, John | Lancaster |
Smith, Joshua | Madison |
Smith, Nicholas | Saluda |
Smith, Robert | Graham |
Smith, Samuel | Saluda |
Smith, William | Republican |
Smith, William | Shelby |
Smithy, John | Shelby |
Smock, Jared | Republican |
Smock, John D. | Madison |
Smock, John | Republican |
Smock, Peter Jr. | Republican |
Smock, Peter | Republican |
Smock, Samuel | Republican |
Snodgrass, Charlotte | Saluda |
Snodgrass, Samuel | Republican |
Snow, Andrew | Saluda |
Snow, John | Saluda |
Snow, Prince | Saluda |
Snow, Samuel | Saluda |
Snyder, Elizabeth | Saluda |
Soyder, William | Saluda |
Spader, Benjamin | Saluda |
Spafford, Orlean | Madison |
Spann, Jesse | Lancaster |
Spann, John L. | Lancaster |
Spann, Moses | Lancaster |
Spann, Solomon | Lancaster |
Spear, Jane | Republican |
Spears, Daniel | Saluda |
Spencer, Absalom | Shelby |
Spencer, Charles | Shelby |
Spiller, William | Shelby |
Sprague, Hosea | Graham |
Stafford, George | Madison |
Stafford, Gibb | Madison |
Standiford, William | Shelby |
Staples, Henry | Graham |
Staples, Nathanial | Graham |
Stapp, Eli | Madison |
Stapp, John | Madison |
Stapp, Milton | Madison |
Steele, Hugh | Shelby |
Steele, James | Milton |
Steele, James | Shelby |
Steele, John | Milton |
Steele, Joseph | Madison |
Stephens, Emmor | Republican |
Stephens, Thomas | Repubican |
Stephenson, James | Shelby |
Sterrett, James G. | Madison |
Sterrett, James | Shelby |
Stevens, John | Madison |
Stewart, Charles | Shelby |
Stewart, David | Graham |
Stewart, George | Madison |
Stewart, Isaih | Shelby |
Stewart, John W. | Madison |
Stewart, John | Shelby |
Stewart, William | Madison |
Stiles, Jonathan | Milton |
Stillion, Elias | Madison |
Stiver, John | Madison |
Stodgill, Samuel | Madison |
Stone, John M. | Madison |
Storm, Peter | Shelby |
Stout, Hezekiah H. | Lancaster |
Stowers, Milton | Graham |
Stratton, William H. | Lancaster |
Stribling, Thomas P. | Madison |
Stucker, Andrew | Saluda |
Stucker, Henry | Saluda |
Stucker, Henry | Saluda |
Stucker, Jacob | Saluda |
Stucker, Jacob | Saluda |
Stucker, Martin | Saluda |
Stucker, Michael | Saluda |
Stucker, Samuel | Saluda |
Stucker, Stephen | Saluda |
Stucker, William | Saluda |
Sugan, John | Milton |
Sullivan, Aaron | Madison |
Sullivan, Daniel | Shelby |
Sullivan, James | Republican |
Sullivan, Jeremiah | Madison |
Sullivan, John | Republican |
Sullivan, Willis C. | Shelby |
Sullivan, Willis | Republican |
Suttle, Henry | Graham |
Suttle, John | Graham |
Swan, Andrew | Saluda |
Swan, John, Jr. | Saluda |
Swan, John, Sr. | Saluda |
Swan, Thomas | Saluda |
Sweet, Abraham | Graham |
Sweet, Abraham | Madison |
Sweet, Isaac | Graham |
Sweet, Isaac | Madison |
Swincer, James | Graham |
Sylvester, Samuel | Milton |
Tague, Joseph | Shelby |
Talbott, Daniel | Saluda |
Talbott, Edward | Madison |
Talbott, James | Saluda |
Talbott, Richard C. | Madison |
Talbott, William | Saluda |
Tannekill, Zachariah | Graham |
Tapp, Joph | Madison |
Tarah, Thomas | Saluda |
Tate, John | Milton |
Tatum, Samuel | Lancaster |
Tatum, William | Lancaster |
Taylor, Cranson | Saluda |
Taylor, Ellen | Saluda |
Taylor, Frderick | Saluda |
Taylor, Gamaliel | Madison |
Taylor, James | Saluda |
Taylor, James | Saluda |
Taylor, Joshua | Saluda |
Taylor, Robert, Jr. | Saluda |
Taylor, Robert, Sr. | Saluda |
Taylor, Thomas | Milton |
Taylor, Thomas | Milton |
Taylor, Thomas | Republican |
Taylor, William | Madison |
Tempy, Alexander | Lancaster |
Terrill, Achilles | Republican |
Terrill, William | Graham |
Thickston, Abraham | Republican |
Thickston, William | Republican |
Thom, Samuel (heirs of) | Lancaster |
Thomas, Evan | Graham |
Thomas, James | Graham |
Thomas, Jas. | Madison |
Thomas, John | Madison |
Thomas, Joseph | Madison |
Thomas, William | Madison |
Thompson, Alexander | Republican |
Thompson, Geo. | Lancaster |
Thompson, John | Saluda |
Thompson, Robert | Graham |
Thompson, Robert | Republican |
Thornton, John | Shelby |
Tilbury, Elisha | Madison |
Tilford, Alexander | Republican |
Tilford, Samuel | Republican |
Tilford, William | Republican |
Timmons, Stephen | Graham |
Todd, Andrew | Madison |
Todd, David | Madison |
Todd, Robt. | Madison |
Travice, James | Milton |
Troutman, Aaron | Graham |
Troutman, William | Graham |
Troutwine, Hannibal | Madison |
Troxell, Joseph | Madison |
Trulock, John | Graham |
Trumbo, Jacob | Graham |
Trusdale, Thomas | Lancaster |
Tucker, William | Milton |
Tull, Joshua | Republican |
Tull, William | Graham |
Tull, William | Republican |
Turnes, John | Saluda |
Twaddle, James | Madison |
Underwood, James | Madison |
Vail, Benjamin | Milton |
Vail, Jennings | Madison |
Vail, John L. | Milton |
Van Norman, Aaron | Saluda |
Vancleave, Peter | Madison |
Vanhorn, Benjamin | Republican |
VanWinkle, David R. | Lancaster |
Vaughn, Thomas | Milton |
Vaughn, William | Milton |
Vawter, Ann | Madison |
Vawter, Beverly | Shelby |
Vawter, James | Madison |
Vawter, Jesse | Madison |
Vernon, Nehemiah | Milton |
Vestel, David | Shelby |
Voiles, Joseph | Shelby |
Vorhees, Richard | Saluda |
Wade, William | Shelby |
Waggoner, George | Madison |
Walker, John | Milton |
Walker, John | Saluda |
Walker, Robert | Saluda |
Walker, William | Saluda |
Wall, John | Lancaster |
Wallace, James H. | Madison |
Wallace, John | Lancaster |
Wallace, Nathaniel | Madison |
Wallace, William | Lancaster |
Walton, Abraham Jr. | |
Walton, Comfort | Lancaster |
Walton, Dudley | |
Walton, Euphrates | Lancaster |
Ward, Daniel, Jr. | Shelby |
Ward, Daniel, Sr, | Shelby |
Washer, Alexander | Madison |
Washer, Stephen | Milton |
Washington, David | Madison |
Wasson, Richard | Saluda |
Waterman, Mr. | Madison |
Watson, James | |
Watson, Robert | Saluda |
Watson, Samuel | |
Watson, Samuel | Republican |
Watson, William | Saluda |
Watts, Howard, Dr. | Madison |
Watts, John C. | Shelby |
Weare, William | Milton |
Weatherford, James | Shelby |
Weatherford, John | Shelby |
Weir, Samuel | Graham |
Welch, Samuel | Shelby |
Wellington, John P. | Shelby |
Wells, Samuel | Saluda |
Wells, William | Saluda |
West, Jacob | Madison |
West, James | Saluda |
West, John T., Jr. | Saluda |
West, John T., Sr. | Saluda |
West, John, Sr. | Milton |
West, John | Madison |
West, John | Saluda |
West, John | Shelby |
Westgate, Joseph | Madison |
Wharton, William G. | Madison |
Wheatley, George | Republican |
White, Amborse T. | Republican |
White, James | Madison |
White, John | Saluda |
White, Joseph P. | Graham |
White, Samuel | Graham |
White, Thomas | Saluda |
White, William | Graham |
Whitehead, Israel | Lancaster |
Whiteside, John | Graham |
Whitham, James | Shelby |
Whitkill, Samuel | Lancaster |
Whitsitt, William | Graham |
Whitson, Benjamin | Madison |
Whitson, Peter | Shelby |
Whittsitt, John | Graham |
Wildman, James | Madison |
Wildman, James | Madison |
Wildman, John | Madison |
Wildman, Joseph | Shelby |
Wiley, Joseph | Republican |
Wiley, Washington | Graham |
Wiley, Washington | Republican |
Wilhite, Eckilles | Shelby |
Wilkerson, Joshua | Madison |
Wilkins, Jeremiah | Milton |
Willhite, George W. | Madison |
Williams, Elizabeth | Shelby |
Williams, Gerret | Lancaster |
Williams, John (heirs of) | Lancaster |
Williams, Moses | Madison |
Williams, Remembrance | Lancaster |
Williams, Robert | Lancaster |
Williams, Thomas | Lancaster |
Wills, John | Graham |
Wills, Samuel | Graham |
Wills, William | Graham |
Willson, Alexander | Graham |
Willson, Braxton | Madison |
Willson, George | Graham |
Willson, Jesse | Graham |
Willson, John | Graham |
Willson, Joseph N. | Madison |
Willson, Nathaniel | Madison |
Willson, William B | Graham. |
Willson, William | Madison |
Wilson, Alexander | Madison |
Wilson, Andrew | Graham |
Wilson, John | Madison |
Wilson, Patrick | Graham |
Wilson, Richard | Madison |
Wilson, Samuel | Lancaster |
Wilson, Solomon | Madison |
Wilson, William, Sr. | Madison |
Winchester, John | Graham |
Wise, Matthew | Madison |
Wise, Thomas | Shelby |
Witherspoon, Thomas | Milton |
Wood, Andrew | Republican |
Wood, John | Reppublican |
Wood, Mary | Republican |
Woodburn, John | Madison |
Woodfield, John | Shelby |
Woodfill, Andrew | Madison |
Woodfill, Catherine | Madison |
Woodfill, Daniel | Madison |
Woodfill, Elizabeth | Madison |
Woodfill, Gabriel, Sr. | Madison |
Woodfill, Gabriel | Madison |
Woodfill, Gabriel | Shelby |
Woodfill, John | Madison |
Woodfill, Sarah | Madison |
Woodfill, William | Madison |
Woods, Martha | Madison |
Woodward, Charles | Madison |
Woodward, David | |
Woodward, David | Madison |
Woodward, Henry | |
Woodward, William H. | Saluda |
Worthington, David | Republican |
Wray, James | Saluda |
Wyatt, Mordecai | Shelby |
Wyatt, Richard | |
Wyne, John | Graham |
Wyne, William | Graham |
Yarnell, Ellis H. | Madison |
Yates, Thomas | Lancaster |
Yates, William | Milton |
Yost, Isaac (heirs of) | Lancaster |
Young, Andrew | Madison |
Young, Hezekiah | Shelby |
Yount, Nicholas | Shelby |
Zenor, David | Graham |