Home > Local History > Cemetery Records > Lemen Graveyard


Sec. 22-5-11

Shelby Township
Jefferson County, Indiana

August 2000 Survey – done by Jackie Owen

KEY:  SS = Same Stone, W = Wife, S = Son, D = Daughter, y = year(s), m = month(s), d = day(s)

Gared Martha Capin 01 May 181? On 1941 DAR list, not found this audit
Lemen Gabriel 1789 1869 War of 1812
Lemen Mary 1806 1873
Lott Ann ?? Nov 1834 04 Jul 1836 D of E. & J. SS as Mary J. & Ann – Not on 1941 DAR list
Lott Ann 08 Feb 1805 22 Aug 1852 Wife of Jesse SS as Mary J. & Ann
Lott Eliza 19 Nov 1836 03 Jun 1874
Lott Jesse 15 Jul 1800 06 Jun 1879
Lott Mary J. 11 Sep 1840 30 Jan 1851 D of E. & J. SS as both Anns
Tomlinson Martha Lemen 1828 1847

COMMENTS:  This graveyard is located off of Halls Ridge Road, South of Canaan. If you turn south on Halls Ridge off of Hwy. 62, when you get to the first curve, the graveyard is just about 1/4 of a mile south west in a grove of trees.

  • I completed this survey using the DAR list of 1941. I found a few mistakes which have been corrected.

  • At the bottom of the DAR list of 1941 was this note: Census of 1880; Jesse Lott, died, age 78 yrs. widower, born KY. Both parents born KY. Had lived here 66 yrs.

  • There were 20+ fieldstones that were unreadable.