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AN ORDINANCE relating to the new Burial Ground.
Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Common Council of the City of Madison, That the new Burial Ground north of Crooked Creek (which shall hereafter by known by the name of the Spring Dale Cemetry), be and the same is hereby opened for interments under the direction and superintendence of the Sexton.
Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That interments in the public part of said Cemetry shall commence on the southern extremity of parcel No. one as designed in the plan of the same, and that interments hereafter shall be regularl(y) made in each parcel, until the same be filled up. Then commencing at the southern extremity of the next parcel and so on until the same be filled to parcel No. 33.
Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That the parcels sold out to individuals on the eastern hill of said cemetery, or that may here after be sold, be, and the same hereby is also ready for interments.
Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That the Mayor is hereby authorized and permitted to sell at private sales unsold parcels appropriated for private use, at the minimum price of twenty-five dollars per each parcel, payable in six and twelve months, and that the price of the parcels heretofore sold be reduced to the above sum.
Sec. 5. Be it further ordained, That the Mayor is hereby authorized to give to the purchaser of the above named private parcels a certificate of perpetual possession of the parcel or parcels as purchased by them, to be used solely for burial purposes.
Sec. 6. Be it further ordained, That parcels numbered from one hundred and thirty nine to one hundred and sixty, inclusive, be and the same hereby is appropriated to sale, as private parcels for the People of Color, to be sold as other private parcels by the Mayor at the minimum price of fifteen dollars each, and that parcels numbered from fifty nine to sixty four , inclusive, be appropriated as a public burying ground for the People of Color.
Sec. 7. Be it further ordained, That interments in the old burial ground be and the same hereby is prohibited, from the date hereof, unless by the special permission of the Council.
Attest O. S. Pitcher Clerk,
Passed Dec. 6, 1839