Home > Local History > Cemetery Records > St. Patrick Catholic Cemetery > About the Cemetery
About St. Patrick Catholic Cemetery
Madison Township
Jefferson County, Indiana
A website has been developed for the Catholic Cemeteries in Madison and the surrounding area. These include St. Anthony, St. Josephs, St. Magdalen and St. Patrick.
KEY: ss = Same Stone, w/o = Wife, s/o = Son, d/o = Daughter, yrs = Years, mo = Months, dys = Days, MP=Military Plaque, MS=Military Stone, BW=Badly Weathered, FM=Funeral Marker, M. or Mar.=Married, Dbl=Double, Stn=stone,Not in DAR=Was not recorded in the 1939-41 DARsurvey
This cemetery is located across the street from Pope John Elementary and Shaw Memorial High School on the North side of State Street. The west end of the cemetery is dedicated to the St. Magdelena Cemetery moved from Ripley Co. IN.
The cemetery was surveyed in 4 sections. Beginning on the west end is section No.1, the middle section is No. 2, the east end is No.3 and the area across the back is section No. 4. The numbers in the comments section such as 4-9-4 denote the Section, Row and Stone number. Some stones are set in between rows so it was at my discretion as to which row to enter information on that stone. Some broken stones are moved during mowing.
This cemetery was hard hit by the tornado in the 1970’s. Many stones were broken, moved or disappeared. Some stones were badly repaired making them difficult or impossible to read. Many have deteriorated considerably since the audit of 1939-1941 by the DAR. I have tried to note differences in the DAR notes and what I find at present.
This cemetery is divided into four sections by a driveway. I have read the sections in this order: Section 1-Beginning in the front on the southeast corner of the section. Section 2, or the middle section, was next beginning on the southeast corner of the section. Section 3 was the far eastern third of the front and I started in the southeast corner. Section 4 was the entire back section of the cemetery.
This includes the newly renovated mausoleum and the Yunker crypt. I began reading each section in its southeast corner proceeding to the north, then back to the south end of the next row and proceeding north, etc., with the exception of Section 4, which was read starting in the southwest corner, proceeding north and returning to the south end of the next row, etc.SEE MAP
To find a stone, begin by standing in the appropriate corner of a section, count each row and when reaching the appropriate row walk to the north counting the stones as you go.
This cemetery is well kept by the Catholic Church and has new gates at each of the two entrances. The mausoleum was completely renovated in 2007 and is historically correct.
This cemetery was survreyed 2004-2005 by Janice Barnes